Grant Parker is a Registered Building Surveyor and member of the New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors (NZIBS). Steve Flanders is a Past Director at Flanders Marlow and Past Vice President of the Institute, who now works with us as a Consultant
Steve and Grant have 60+ years’ experience between them on a wide range of projects and building types, of all sizes and ages in a cross range of areas, from quantity surveying, design to defects reporting and project management and can provide independent and impartial expert advice and reporting on property and construction related matters
Grant also has a background in design and holds a current design licence LBP and Steve is a Registered and Chartered Quantity Surveyor. This gives us a unique perspective on the construction industry because we can design, cost and project manage schemes. We have experience in the understanding of current construction technology and buildability and are able to see things from the designers’ and the Quantity Surveyors perspective and can often provide added value to clients in this regard.
Building Surveys - As specialists in the surveying of dwellings and buildings, we provide detailed inspection surveys and reports, including pre-purchase / pre-sale and general condition reports on a range of properties and construction types noting any significant defects or maintenance concerns.
We have the ability, if required to provide budget costs within the report for the building work required to ensure you go into the property purchase knowing exactly what you are buying, the issues with it and the potential it may have for you.
Compliance Reporting / Safe & Sanitary / Certificate of Acceptance Reports – Additionally, we are able to carry out interpretation and reporting on construction compliance issues, along with safe and sanitary reports on un-permitted construction prior to the introduction of the Building Act and Certificate of Acceptance for un-consented works post 1993.
Building Maintenance Reports - We assist in building maintenance management by undertaking repair and maintenance surveys. This will establish the extent of work required to repair and/or maintain both the building structure, its associated services and preventative maintenance programmes.
Weathertightness Reports - Weathertightness and “Leaking Buildings” are continuing to create concern for building owners and prospective purchasers. Grant specialises in the identification and reporting of leaking buildings and has experience in carrying out non-invasive surveys for purchasers and vendors in residential and commercial properties. He has also overseen and given direction on the extent of destructive testing required and advised on timber analysis subsequent to initiating appropriate remediation of buildings. Grant is a Certified Weathertightness Surveyor having undertaken and passed the NZIBS - Weathertightness Modular Training Exams.
Building Pathology (Defect Analysis) – This work includes specific technical investigations and inspection, assessment, diagnosis and opinion reporting, which aims to develop solutions to building failures using our experience and knowledge to diagnose any potential problems and potential future issues you should know about. With the focus very much on the cause of the problem therefore, remedying the current effect and also longer term, giving a way forward to resolve any future issues. This reporting also includes remedial and rectification advice and costings. As such Registered Building Surveyors are better placed than any other profession to undertake building pathology reports and to oversee the necessary remedial works.
Contract Administration - We are able to prepare and invite tenders along with undertaking comprehensive tender analysis. As engineers (contract administrators) to the contract, we can administer the contract, monitor the works and programme, issue variation orders and certifying progress payments to ensure successful completion of the project.
Schedule of Condition Reports - We are able to prepare a Schedule of Condition for either the Landlord or Tenant of commercial premises at the commencement of a lease to identify legal obligations and to record the condition of the property.
Similarly, Schedule of Condition reports can be undertaken of properties at a given point in time to record any existing defects or damage, and the current state of repair of any particular aspects of a property that may be likely to be affected by construction work, excavation or demolition.
Dilapidation Reports (Lease Reinstatement) - “Dilapidation” refers to a state of disrepair in a property. There is a legal liability placing an obligation upon either a landlord or tenant to keep all or part of a property in good repair. We are able to undertake a building survey of premises at the commencement and termination of commercial leases and compile a Schedule of Dilapidations advising a Lessee or Lessor of their legal liabilities along with cost estimates to keep all or part of a property in good repair during their lease, when considering lease renewal and in particular, at lease termination.
Dispute Resolution - We can provide all levels of dispute resolution relating to building issues and are expert witnesses in the matters of building construction, condition, workmanship, cost of construction, including repair work. This service involves unbiased and independent investigations, which fall within our areas of expertise, the collection, analysis and reporting of the factual evidence in determining the responsibilities for the building deficiencies or defects.
Insurance Assessment and Reinstatement - We are able to assist insurance companies and insured parties in providing impartial expert advice relating to property-related insurance claims. We are able to advise and determine the extent and likely causes of the damage due to insured events, lack of maintenance, defective construction or poor workmanship and appropriate repair scope and costs.
Design, Alterations of Buildings & Measured Building
Surveys – We are able to assist you in the design process, tendering and project management of any additions or alterations you wish to make to your existing building in order that you meet current Building Standards, obtain Building Consent and Code Compliance Certificates. Additionally, if there are no accurate plans and elevations for a building, we can carry out a measured survey and produce as-built plans and elevations in CAD format prior to preparing designs for alterations or repairs.
Building Technology and Construction - We are able to provide advice on the performance of building materials and systems, their selection, usage, assembly, anticipated life span, repair and the effects of natural elements.
For more information about the role of a Registered Building Surveyor click here to link to the NZIBS website.